Friday, September 3, 2010


Im gonna create a list full of activities that i will come up with & see if i can complete them within a 1 yr 1/2!!
Now these activities are more physically demanding what i mean by that is this : it requires flexibility, commitment, determination as well as dance abilities.
1. Learn how to inline roller figure skate
2. Learn how to Surf
3. Play Street Hockey
4. Learn how to play tennis
5. Become a Skywarn Spotter
6. Try Indoor Skydiving.

Im still adding on & if you have any suggestions to add on to the list be more then welcome to add a comment with the suggested activity!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Treacherous Flood

I woke up at 6:30 expecting to hear down pour of rain but i didn't hear it. So the 1st thing i did was turning on the TV channel 11. I sat there while i started my laptop & checking my e-mail & facebook at the same time listening to the news to see if there are any flooded roads. To my surprise there wasn't even one street that was flooded!! (But later in the day i will find out that there was city-wide flooding!OMG) So it started to pour so i ran to my room & got dressed & got everything ready & right when i was going to the car & i unlocked the car i heard a thunder then the next moment i know its pouring down & im getting wet & i got in & the wind was blowing in to the car so i was getting even more wet OMG!!! It was hard to see cause the rain was pouring down so hard that it was like white sheets of rain!!! Im thinking ok i can deal with this but i had to get on the overpass & it was pouring down like that!!!! I didn't think i could drive in that kind of weather but i remembered that i drove in worse weather conditions!!! SO i got to work & through the day the sky was getting dark & darker then it poured down for hours off & on!!! Then at lunch i heard something that we were going to get off early! So i walked to my co-worker's desk & asked her & she told me that we were getting off at 3pm cause of the severe weather. Then i returned to my desk & continued what i was doing before lunch. Then all sudden i heard my cell phone ringing! i usually don't answer it cause of the cams in the office BUT since of the severe weather i answered it. It was my mom. She told me that our street was flooded & the neighborhood as well! & me to see if i could get off work a little bit earlier then when they originally going to let us off! SO i talked to my boss & she understood & allowed me to get a early start! so i rushed to my desk & of course i had papers everywhere & i still had to shut down my computer . SO i did it very fast. I started to drive home it as all fine & there were periods of time when driving home that had fast down pours real heavy ones.! I was able to get to 59 & on 59 with no problems & got off fine. Then when i got into my city i put on my emgeremy lights & i was looking at the drains & they were all gonna over flow!!!! I turned down the street that i always do when i come home everyday. I saw that down the road a truck with orange light & the part of the road i as driving down was flooded so they redirected us on the other side of the road. Then i was trying to see if the other cars where going down the road instead of turning around but to my luck i was totally wrong so i turned around & try another way to get into my area . I got in & i was almost & i was coming to this intersection & noticed that it was flooded i started getting nervous cause i got in deep water in the past & the engine light came on. Anyways so when it was my turn i drove in the middle of the intersection then i was home free but when i can to my street i was prayin that the street wasn't flooded & to my surprise it wasn't!!! It was real crazy day!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Crazy Beach Ideas

As many of ya'll know I'm heading down to the beach tomorrow for the weekend.  Part of the time i will be at the beach riding my zip broad & doing the usual beach stuff : sea shell hunting / shark teeth / sea glass etc.
But wanted to get some crazy ideas from ya'll. If you have any out of this world crazy ideas just post them in the comments below this post! thanks!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stage of Construction : Outer Shell almost complete

Day after day I sit here watching historical moments being made in history as our new church building is being built! They are all most done on the out side. It looks like they are putting in the windows or preparing to put them in.   

Here is what its going to look like after its all done. Well i liked the model better i don't like the stripes at all but i might like it when its all done so u never know if u actually like something when its in the process intill its all complete.
I can't wait intill its all done!!! Even before its almost at completion we will start holding services over there & have box lunches too! i can't wait for that. :) The 1st time we go over there i will have my camcorder in hand making a historical video of the new church building! yea!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Program Easter 2010 How it all went down

After a very awesome Sunday service I was walking back to my banner leader to give something back that she asked me to hang on to intill the service was over. Well the lady that does the musicals for the youth & children’s ministries ( very talented & she writes the whole thing including the songs as well) asked me if I want to help out in the musical. Which she told me in short terms at that time of that I would be doing. And of course I said yes& she then told me when the practice would be & times as well.
I have church practice for this musical that the person how is directing it wanted me to be at each practice which wasn't bad intill she told me it was on Monday Thursday & Saturday & the times for Monday & Thursday was 5-7pm !!! I told her that I worked in downtown that I will try to make the practices. I also told her that I will be at the Saturday one which starts at 9:30am but she told me that I didn't have to stay the whole day. I wonder if I should stay the whole day??? My part isn't intill the very end of the musical.. But after the practice im gonna get home as fast as my car can go & get into my swim top & some shorts then get outside & tan!!! So that I could get a good tan so that I would look great on the stage for the musical!!!


I was glad that I went to practice on Monday nite cause I got a feel of the musical!! So I went to practice on Thursday nite as well I was there intill 8 pm that nite & the other practice was for 5 hours!!!! OMG!!

But it all paid off when Sunday came rolling around!! Of course all the kids were very nervous as well as me well kinda I always get stage fright alot. I guess its something that wouldn’t go away! But the most fun thing about the musical was when the fog came onto the stage & well I guess everything about the musical was fun to watch!!! Afterwards everyone around me was telling me that I did an awesome job even thou I entered a little bit early thou. I feel like I messed up the whole scene or part or section of the musical even tho the kids were messing up as well. I don't know y I always find the negative parts about my performance &just chew myself out about it. But in the end my mom was proud of me. Im still kinda curious of to why god had me in that musical ? for what reasons? To be able to use my giftings through the church or for God to show the church my giftings so that I can be used in various parts of the church. ?.?.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Unusual Easter 2010

I have no plans for Easter but to go to church & get on the stage a do my thing in the musical then get my camcorder go home then watch it or fast forward it to my part then eat something. I might decide to go outside and tan for a little bit. I got to tell ya this year is going to be the weirdest of all! This yr im not wearing my usual Easter Sunday dress but some worship wear. There are no BIG plans of going over to my aunt’s house like we always do!!! This year is a lay – back kind of Easter. Heck I don’t even know if im EVEN gonna get an Easter basket!! But I really don’t need all that fatty candy & all!! Im suppose to be on a diet! LOL.

Weight Loss

I haven’t stepped foot onto the scale but I have noticed tremense since I have started Kuk Sool Won!!! One of these days I will face my fears & get on that scale & hopefully all my hard work would paid off!!! Gee I wonder how many pounds I've loss already!!!! Well im not getting on the scale intill after I pass my next testing which is in June!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Gods New Mission for me - The Starting Story

It happened many yrs ago when i was parked in the parkinglot of this one Martial Arts School. God told me that i would be going to that school that i was parked outside of. I remember my reponse to what the Lord had said to me! I responed saying Lord i don't what to do martial arts cause its kinda violative but the next few of days i was praying about & then i responed again to what God told me that one day. Yes lord i will do it whatever you have called me to do I will do & whatever u tell me to go i go & I will follow you! So little did i know that it wasn't all violative & it was all about self-defensive & other things! So of coruse i did my research & found my school & it was the same school that God told me that i will be going to!! SO that is how i came into Kuk Sool Won !!!

I know when God places me into something or a new place he has something for me to do here but im still trying to figure it out though. He has given me grace to be able to pick up fast on everything they are teaching me but im learning it right though as well as the 6 yrs of dance training i did what kept me kinda flexible to do all the warm ups & the kicks etc.

Can't UnderStand Why

It really saddens me when I hear or see how people are naming their kids with very unusual names kinda like usernames that u would create on a forum broad online!!! It just really saddens my spirit when I hear of this or see this!!!! Also that that child would have to bear that name for the rest of his/her life or intill he/she has enough money to go to the court & change their name to a more normal name.
I just wonder how that child is going to be able to go through public school with such a name & how that child would get teased & everything! My heart just goes out to those kids!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Im Sick of being SICK!!!

well I thought I was going to tan but instead I ended up getting sick may its just a real bad case of hayfever!! But the Doc didn't know if I had hayfever or if I was just plain sick!!! I had a temp of 101.6!!! I hope this goes away really fast cause I have to get back to training before my test in kuk sool won!! Which I'm testing on march the 20th. Well we will see how long this will last!!!

Day 1 - sat 6 - started on Friday nite but went to the doc & they don't know what I have.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Crazy Thing !

On last Saturday i when with my mom to help her get a trash can @ lowes just a few miles from our house. So after buying the can i wheeled it out to the car & tried everything that i could think of to get that 64 gal trash can to fit into the car which we only have a toyota corolla which isn't that big compared to a 4x4! Finally i gave up on all tries to get that thing into the car. So my mom told me that she would walk that thing home & told me to go & do her a favor so after i got home i talked it over with Grandma lois & got an idea ! That was to go drive & find her & have her drive SLOWLY while i was seating in the trunk holding the trash can as far into the trunk that i could!!! Well i drove & found her & told her of the wonderful idea & agreed on the idea. SO i sat in the trunk with the trunk opened & holding the trash can as far into the trunk as i could! So she started to drive slowly then started to drive a little bit faster! At one point i was really praying lol. We come to the frist stop sign she starts to brake HARD!!!! (due to being hit soo many times from the back) Ithe trunk comes flying down on me & then i just react by throwing my arm up to stop it kinda like blocking in Kuk Sool Won!!! - Korean Karate. Then comes the HILL!!! anyways there was one or two times when i though i was going to lose the trash can! lol but when we FINALLY made it to our street then one house that has college kids where home & having a party! it was like slow mo they just stopped what they were doing & watched us go down the street or shall i say me!! lol. That was the crazy thing i will NEVER FORGET !!! LOL

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Busy Life

Right now my life is real busy busier than it has ever been!!!! Im dealling with some sunburn that i got at a tanning salon hopefully once that goes away i can give tanning in a tanning salon another shot! :) The sunburn or bed burn doesn't really hurt that bad. Im gearing up for summer as well  what i mean by that is preping my skin & getting tanning lotions & things like that. Im been taking Kuk Sool Won for about a month now & going to be testing very soon! i hope i can remember everything that i have to do from memory!!!! Kuk Sool Won takes up a good amount of my time but its time that i love spending doing Kuk Sool Won!!! I go 3 times a week!! Unless we have healing service at my church or if i have a cell group (bible study) to go to. On top of everything thats going on im trying to read this book that God told me to read!!! I guess i just have to find time to read it!  Then there is this winter weather that is headed my way here in Texas!!! Its going to SNOW AGAIN!!!! The SECOND TIME IN ONE YEAR!!!! Its suppose to be getting closer to spring ha! I do hope that we have a very HOT summer down here so that i can tan as any times as i get! lol!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tanning While In Winter ! :)

Its crazy down here in the south. Yesterday I was just outside tanning in the well 69ish – 70ish weather with some gusts of wind that at first it was kinda cold but then it started to let up & it was gentle & refreshing from the heat of the sun! I got a nice starter tan or a base tan started for the summer. Then the very next day it was back down in the 44s !!!

I might be a little bit crazy but when I see the sun out & not or little clouds in the sky I step outside & see if the temperature is good enough to tan. If so I go & put on my swim top & throw on some jean shorts & slap on some tanning oil & wait about 15 mins or so.

& I listen to country music while im tanning out there!. Before I moved down here to Texas I though Texas as only about the country music. But I was wrong.. I guess im becoming a real Texan & always sayin ya , listening to country music & always going to the beach!& tanning like almost 11 months out of the yr outside but I still got some of the Pittsburgh( which im from by the way!) thick blood to do that lol!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Up To Date

Well to get all my fellow readers up to dated on what ive been up to : Its was been a very busy time for me in the yr 2010 & even before the new yr I was busy designing my bathroom giving it a whole new look to it! Well I have pretty much got the theme going in there or at least got the items that I want to buy for it in a folder within my computer. I tell ya after you have figured out the theme then start to find things or if not you are just wasting time! So I have all the pics I want to go into the room & have already bought 1-12 pics. I have just found some bamboo that I would like to incorporate into the room but the only thing is the jar is black & shows the roots of it. Anyways im now a white belt in Kuk Sool Won Academy somewhere in Sugar Land TX & im doing awesome in it! Ive have only been taking classes for 1 week. I am trying to figure out what my weekly schedule is going to look like so I can get a picture of how busy I will be!!! You can read more of my Kuk Sool Won journey @  I will be blogging my way as I go through my journey to get my black belt!!!! One thing im still working on is my website!!!! Its like im working on 3 things alone! ( That are my projects!) But still the norm is happenin like going to dance practice - Sunday Morning worship / ministering in worship - bible study groups different times of the week. But I have to find a way to still work on my website or else it willn't get done!!!! I have seen this happen before with myself.!!! Anyways im still dancing & now im co-teaching a dance class with someone within my church & the dance class is teach within the church as well.

That’s as much stuff to update ya on so intill next time!!!!