Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mini Spa

Its amazing that now i have a relaxing ~ tranquaility ~ senerity place of my own!!! Plus to make more awesome one day my mom told me i could burn candles & before she wouldnt allow me to even have them in the room & if i brunt them when she was away & came home she can tell!!! Then she would yell at me but now everything has changed!!! I had an amazing spa moment a few hours before 2010!! So i want & will bring in 2010 with relaxtion!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Its going to snow in Texas!!! Its kinda odd saying that. But ya know that i once lived up in Pittsburgh Pa. were it snows all the time during the winters. But now i live down in TX. SO i get kinda excited when i hear snow is on its way down here!!! The last time it snowed down here was in the december of 2004!!! What a yr!!! I am going to do something soo crazy everyone is gonna look at me like that the hack are u doing out there! LOL! I'll take pics of the snow & post them here as well as my other blog too!!!!

Chow for now

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

More Birthday Planning

As time creeps up on me the only thing that I have planned weather permitting & lord willing! Go to Galveston & go to the only beach that is well open year around which is the @ the sea wall :) . I will just chill out there & hopefully I will get a nice tan while listening to the calming meditation sounds of the ocean & the waves crashing on to the beach!!! Maybe I will even pack a lunch or some snacks!!! I pray for some weather 80 degrees weather!!! If you believe it or not we have been getting some days that the highs are in the 80s!!!! Hopefully if this plan doesn’t work I will have a back up plan. U ask what back up plan do I have yet? Well I don’t have a back up plan yet :P & hopefully I wouldn’t need to come up with one! But I better make one if the weather doesn’t want to work with me! :P
Its like I try to plan out every second of my birthday so that I wouldn’t be like : “I bored “or “I don’t know what to do!” . But for some reason it always ending up that im bored or I don’t know what to do!!!
As time creaks up on me i still don't know what to do on my birthday. But i though i would go down to Galveston & just park my car near the sea wall & just get a nice tan listening to country music. walk along the beach &i don't know try to do my zip broad? or just relax listening to the sounds of the ocean!!! Kinda like a spa day if u think about it!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Reflection / Meditation

As I think what im going to do in the last remaining dayz , minutes & seconds of my 23rd yr. Realizing that I will never have that yr back I reflect back on that yr what I did ~ what I regretted ~ what I wanted to do but never got to do ~ how I improved in different areas of my life ~ What God has done within my 23rd yr ~. But I am seeking God out what he’s going to do in the next yr of my life!!!! Its like u only get to live this life once!!! I will not be able to live 11/4/09 again!!! Or yr 2004 !!! I don’t realize ( I do know that but it comes so surreal to me ) this intill every yr when my b-day comes up.

Abnormal Thanksgiving

As thanksgiving rounds around for me this yr miffed this yr because we are not having our regular thanksgiving which family & friends gather to eat & talk & just enjoy each other during the holiday. But even more its my birthday on thanksgiving anyways. But I guess the whole thing is a blessing in disguise cause we could do whatever we wanted & not have to worry about meeting over one of my family members house for thanksgiving.
But this thing is its not going to be the same tho!!! I guess that we could all 3 of us go through KFC or pick up some thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Birthday Plans

My birthday is just around the bend and I still don’t know what I want to do on my special day yet!!! I’m not having a birthday party or anything but I always like to plan out what I’m actually going to be doing on that day even tho its going to be thanksgiving. ! :P
I’m still trying to figure out what I would like to do that wouldn’t cost hardly anything!!! I know these days u can’t do anything without paying something!
If this over thing happens then hack fire I'm gonna do my own thing even tho its thanksgiving & u are supposed to be with your family!
Then i will have the WHOLE DAY to MYSELF!!!
What are some good ideas to do on my birthday? Hmmm i really don't know. Cause most places would be closed for thanksgiving day right?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

last thoughts on summer & new thoughts of fall 2009

Well today was actually still summer intill 4:18pm Central Time. The last remaining hours - minutes & seconds of summer was nothing but raining!!! OMG!!! Now its officially FALL ( which i don't really care for let alone winter :P !) It would only now have a few more Saturdays where i could actually go outside & tan naturally before it starts to get cold! :( . Im not a big fan of cold weather! LOL Man i wonder how i survived winter back up home in Pittsburgh PA !!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Is today blogger’s B-Day? How old is it anyways? If it is Happy B-day BLOGGER!!!
The worse 3 days of my life!!! The only thing that I got out of the labor day weekend was that I got good deals on stemware & candle holders & other things at both hobby lobby & kohl’s. I think I have an idea of how to fix the other 2 problems which I wouldn’t go much into detail all cause its like something you got soo frustrated with that you don’t even want to think or let alone talk about it well that’s how it is.
I hope everyone of u had a better 3-day weekend than me lol!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer 2009

Well my summer started with a big bang! I went down to north padre island & went to the beach like almost every day but one. I got real sunburned as red as the color red! lol but after the 2 week since I got sunburned its actually turning into a very nice tan!!! When I was down there I got myself a skim or a zap board & ever since I bought it all I wanted to do was to practice practice practice!!!!! I wanted to go down to Galveston like almost every weekend & practice . But someone set me straight & told me to take care of myself first before going back out in the sun or even the BEACH!
That trip I will never forget for the following reasons:
1. I almost had my finger cut off by the kite string
2. I almost got electrocuted while in the ocean ( the water was up to my waist)
3. Falling off my skim/zap board a lot! LOL

Friday, April 17, 2009

Past & Present

Very few times I often catch myself going back & looking ( online) at my very first church that I attended since as early as I can remember as a child. Even though im now at a church that is charismatic & spirit-fill & led that my first church wouldn’t DARE DO! I guess im just missing those days when I would get up early on Sunday mornings & walk to church with my grandmother. Then walk back home after church was let out. Also well maybe a little home sick of my home town of Pittsburgh PA but I used to live in Bethel Park PA just out side of Pittsburgh PA. I do miss the spring / Summer weather.
Just like down here in TX we have seasons of natural disasters too for example tornado / hurricane seasons. We are always prone for flooding lets face it Houston was built on a swamp!!!! We are always having trouble with raising water not matter if it’s a medium time length of rain to a 2 or 3 day length rain period!!!!
The one thing that I miss is the appalachian mountains that keeps Pittsburgh safe from tornados & hurricanes? ( im not to sure about the hurricane thing) . But there is One huge problem that both cities share & that’s the flooding issue! Pittsburgh for since it was built had always been facing the problem of flooding in the downtown area! I can still remember one time when my grandmother & I when down to see the this huge flood!!! The fountain was underwater & almost all of the point state park too!!!!.
The one thing that I can’t seem to remember is when Tornado season starts & ends as well as the Hurricane season!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


One of the things that i always wanted to do in my life was to run a marathon & sometime during my life i will do it! But i did do a 5K a few yrs ago but i don't know how to well just jump & get into the marathon or should i just work my way up? - 5K -10K -25K -half marathon-full marathon.